Book Notes - This is Day One

I purchased this book on a whim from Costco. I had never heard of Drew Dudley before, but the summary looked interesting so I thought I would give the book a read. The book was well written and a very easy read. I finished it in a couple of nights....

The Case of the Open Relay

I love my job. I love solving problems. In IT, the issue can be just about anything. Bad code, server malfunction, firewall issue, authentication issue etc. Below is an issue I ran into last year. It is a warning to others that are responsible for older websites. Make sure you...

Exporting a PST from Office 365

We recently had an employee leave Sherpa for a new opportunity elsewhere. One of the responsibilites of my job it to ensure that no data is lost during an employee departure. With our migration to Office 365, this has involved exporting the employees inbox to a PST file after they...

Installing an SSL Certificate on Tableau Server

Every time that the SSL certificate on our Tableau server is up for renewal, I need to remember how to install the certificate. These are my notes for 2020 when the current certificate expires. :) After obtaining the SSL certificate, export it from IIS into a PFX file (this is...

End of 2017 PRs

I took this week to test my PRs. I was able to improve 3 out of the 4. My bench seems to have stagnated at 280. Squat - 345lbs Bench - 280 lbs Deadlift - 385 lbs Overhead press - 165 lbs Overall, I am fairly happy with my progression...

SimpleLeadership Podcast

I recently started listening to the SimpleLeadership Podcast. The first episode I listened to was Engineering Leadership Principals with Oren Ellenbogen. I have subscribed to Oren's Software Lead Weekly newsletter for years and have found some great articles that have helped with my leadership development. During the podcast, Oren mentioned...

Multiple Public IP Addresses on an Azure VM

I recently was forced to setup a virtual server on Azure to host a few of our old .NET 2.0 sites. The Azure App Service does not support applications written on .NET 2.0 (and understandably so). The sites need to function for 6 months or so until they can be...